
Cantonese/Mandarin Classes

本校已接受報名, 登記表格可於本網站”Enrolment招生”下載或聯絡本校索取

電郵: [email protected]或 致電 : 07862803623

開學日期 : 916


地點:Leith Academy, Edinburgh, EH6 8JQ





上課時間:上午1130 至下午1230 (每堂一小時)

費用:£96 (第一學期, 12 堂)


Enrolment starts now. Enrolment form can be downloaded from “Enrolment 招生”or requested by contacting the school.

Email: [email protected] or Phone: 07862803623

Term starts on 16th September

School Hours: 10 – 11.30am (Saturdays)

Venue: Leith Academy, Edinburgh, EH6 8JQ

Interest Class

Multiple Intelligences Activities

Classes are conducted in Cantonese, supplemented by English, through group games, logical reasoning games, board games, thinking and analysis activities, group discussions, etc. to develop children’s language intelligence and improve their communication skills in understanding, expression and organisation; the course content includes cognitive element.

Suitable for Children aged 5-8

Class time: 11:30 am to 12:30 pm (one hour per class)

Fee: £96 (Term 1 / 12 lessons)

To register, please pay by bank transfer and state “INTEREST/CHILD’S NAME”

Free workshops (calligraphy, painting, origami, Kung fu etc)

We are holding a Fun Day on
17th June (Saturday )
12.30 -2.30pm
at Norton Park Conference Hall, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY.

Free workshops (calligraphy, painting, origami, Kung fu etc) run from 12.30 -2.30pm.

Please bring cash for snacks. Just drop in and join us.

本校於6月17日(星期六)在Norton Park Conference Hall 舉辦同樂日。



Amazon Smile Fundraising

The school joined the AmazonSmile Donation. Shop on AmazonSmile at https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/SC023606 , and Amazon donates to Edinburgh Chinese School, at no cost to you. Thank you.
學校參加了亞馬遜微笑捐助計劃。只要透過 https://smile.amazon.co.uk/ch/SC023606 在亞馬遜微笑購物,亞馬遜便會捐助愛丁堡中文學校,您絕對不用額外花費。謝謝!

School Term 2020/21 Important Information

Dear Parents and students

Hope you and families are keeping well.

Edinburgh Chinese School resumes on 19th September 2020. Due to health and safety, all teaching will be delivered online in the first term of year 20/21. Classes run on Saturdays, between 10am-12.20pm.

Chinese language lessons 10-11.15am; Cultural interests lessons 10.20am-12.20pm

Adult classes are held online for 1.15hrs.

EdinburghTo register, please fill in an Enrolment Form (see attached pdf / doc) 2020/21, and send it to the school email address, or return it with cheque payment (please do not send cash) to the address below by post:

The Edinburgh Chinese School
PO Box 28607

For other payment methods, please email or text the school for details.

School email: [email protected] 
Phone number: 0752 851 7635





上课时间为 周六上午10-12.20。

中文课10:00-11:15; 文化兴趣班时间11:20-12:20。

遥距成人班学习时间 1.5小时。

报名请请下载报名表格(见附件 pdf / doc),填妥之后发邮件至学校邮箱, 或连同学费支票(切勿邮寄现金)寄至﹕

The Edinburgh Chinese School
PO Box 28607


学校邮箱: [email protected]
学校电话: 0752 851 7635





上課時間為 周六上午10-12.20。

中文課10:00-11:15; 文化興趣班時間11:20-12:20。

遥距成人班学習時間 1.5小時。

報名請請下載報名表格(见附件 pdf / doc),填妥之後發郵件至學校郵箱, 或連同學費支票(切勿郵寄現金)寄至﹕

The Edinburgh Chinese School
PO Box 28607


學校郵箱: [email protected]
學校電話: 0752 851 7635

Chinese Singing and Dancing Summer Camp

Dear parents and adult students,

There is a two-day Chinese Singing and Dancing Summer Camp in Edinburgh. It is organised by China’s State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. There are professional singing and dancing teachers from China providing lessons to students.  It is a rare opportunity to learn Chinese music and culture.

Date – 01-02 August 2016

Time- 10am – 3:30pm

Location – The Scottish Confucius Institute for Business and Communication (SCIBC), Postgraduate Centre Gait 2, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS

Open to anyone over 5 years old, for young children, parents are required to accompany them.

Registration fee – £5

If you and/or your children are interested in this camp, please reply to my personal email ([email protected]) asap with your contact details.



海外中华之星爱丁堡培训营将在8月1日到2日在Heriot-Watt University的孔子学院举行。详情请见附件。如果你和你的孩子有兴趣参加,请和我联系 –[email protected].


Kind regards

Geqian Cui – 崔舸前

Edinburgh Chinese School

Chinese Singing and Dancing Summer Camp

BBC Drama training

BBC Production Talent network
The Drama department is offering a 12 month training and development programme for 2 people from black, Asian and other ethnic minority backgrounds who are passionate about getting into Drama script editing.
One training placement will be based in London and the other will be based in the Nations: Cardiff or Glasgow.
Details of the scheme can be found via the link below:

2016 Chinese Cultural Spring Camp

2016 Chinese Cultural Spring Camp hosted by UK Association for Promotion of Chinese Education (UKAPCE)

Activities include Chinese Culture, handcrafts, Chinese Painting, calligraphy, vocal music, Chinese instruments (hulu si / harmonica/ Melodica), Chinese dance and martial art.

Date: 28 March – 4 April 2016 (8 days)

Time: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

Venue: Edinburgh Academy, 42 Henderson Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5BL

Enrolment Requirements: Aged 6 – 18 Chinese / Non-Chinese who are learning or have learned Chinese before.

Registration Fee: £30 per person

Lunch (optional): £4 per person/day


2016 年中國文化春令營,由英國中文教育促進會主辦。

日期: 三月二十八日至四月四日(八天)

時間: 上午九時半至下午三時

地點: Edinburgh Academy, 42 Henderson Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5BL

收生要求: 年齡 6-18 歲的華裔人士/在學或曾學習過中文的非華裔人士

登記費: 每人£30

午餐(可選擇): 每人每天 £4

活動包括: 中國文化、手工藝、中國畫、書法、聲樂、民族樂器(葫蘆絲/口琴/口風琴)、中國舞蹈和武術。


April 2016 Chinese Dance Class by Edinburgh Chinese Dance and Cultural Youth Group

Chinese Dance Class will be launched by Edinburgh Chinese Dance and Cultural Youth Group in April. Our students had performed at the various events in the past years. Any one aged 6 or over are very welcome to join. Our new dance tutor, Mr Zhixing Chen is a professional and experienced dancer from Beijing Dance Academy.

Date: April-June 2016

Venue: Dance Studio, Drummond Community High School

Time: 9:45 – 10:30am

Fee: £3/ session (applicable to aged 6-17 only)

Time: 11:00 am -12:30 pm

Fee: £8/ session (applicable to aged 18+)

For more details or any enquiries, please email to [email protected]




日期: 四月至六月

地點: 莊民社區中學舞蹈室

時間: 上午九時四十五分至十時半

收費: 每堂 £3 (只適用於6-17歲)

時間: 上午十一時至下午十二時半

收費: 每堂 £8 (適用於18歲或以上)

如有疑問或需要更多詳情,請電郵致 [email protected]