Urgent notice: COVID-19 update

Dear Parents, Guardians and Students,
As you are aware, the outbreak of coronavirus is expanding in the country. For the health and wellbeing of everyone in the school, we must make a quick response under the current circumstance. Edinburgh Chinese School will close from next Saturday (21/03/2020) until further notice. We will consider online teaching if the situation persists after Easter Holiday. Thus, please visit the school website and check your email regularly for the latest information. Your opinion is valuable to school. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your support and understanding.


大家已知悉,新型冠状病毒的爆发正在本国扩大。 为了学校所有人的健康和福利,我 们必须在当前情况下迅速作出反应。爱丁堡中文学校将由下周六(2020 年 3 月 21 日)起停课至另行通知。 如复活节假期后形势持续,我们将考虑在线教学的可行性。 因此,请定期查看本校网站及您的电子邮件以获取最新信息。学校期待您的宝贵意见。 如有任何不便,敬请原谅并感谢您的支持和理解。


大家已知悉,新型冠狀病毒的爆發正在本國擴大。 為了學校所有人的健康和福利,我們 必須在當前情況下迅速作出反應。 愛丁堡中文學校將由下星期六(2020 年 3 月 21 日) 起停課直至另行通知。 如復活節假期後形勢持續,我們將考慮在線教學的可行性。 因 此,請定期查看本校網站及您的電子郵件以獲取最新信息。學校期待您的寶貴意見。 如有任何不便,敬請原諒並感謝您的支持和理解。