Chinese Singing and Dancing Summer Camp

Dear parents and adult students,

There is a two-day Chinese Singing and Dancing Summer Camp in Edinburgh. It is organised by China’s State Council Overseas Chinese Affairs Office. There are professional singing and dancing teachers from China providing lessons to students.  It is a rare opportunity to learn Chinese music and culture.

Date – 01-02 August 2016

Time- 10am – 3:30pm

Location – The Scottish Confucius Institute for Business and Communication (SCIBC), Postgraduate Centre Gait 2, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS

Open to anyone over 5 years old, for young children, parents are required to accompany them.

Registration fee – £5

If you and/or your children are interested in this camp, please reply to my personal email ([email protected]) asap with your contact details.



海外中华之星爱丁堡培训营将在8月1日到2日在Heriot-Watt University的孔子学院举行。详情请见附件。如果你和你的孩子有兴趣参加,请和我联系 –[email protected].


Kind regards

Geqian Cui – 崔舸前

Edinburgh Chinese School

Chinese Singing and Dancing Summer Camp

2016 Summer Camp in Yunnang Province

Dear Parents,

This is a Summer Camp organised by the Chinese Government aimed at overseas Chinese between 14-18 years old with some Mandarin knowledge. It is a 2-week camp in Yunnang Province, south China. The date is not finalised yet, it will be between July to Sept. Children who want to participate will pay for travel expenses from UK to China themselves, all expenses in China including accommodation, lessons and sightseeing tours will be covered by Chinese government.

We are looking for interest from parents. I think it is a great opportunity for our children to learn Mandarin and Chinese culture. I only received this notice tonight and note of interest need to be provided to the organiser this Saturday.

Apology for the short notice. Please let me know if you want your child to participate or if you have any questions.










夏令营课程内容包括:开班仪式和适应性培训(半天)、汉语课(30%,配有专业教师,使用符合YCT/HSK 标准专用教材)、文化课(20%,如剪纸、书法、水墨画、茶艺、武术等)、文体交流活动(20%,如与中国学生座谈结对、联谊联欢、体育比赛等)、文化访问体验(30%,如参观人文景观、体验民俗生活等)。其间,可安排一次访问中国家庭或住家体验。活动结束前,组织营员进行汉语考试、颁发证书,并针对夏令营活动进行满意度评估(评估表由国家汉办提供)。

2016 Chinese Cultural Spring Camp

2016 Chinese Cultural Spring Camp hosted by UK Association for Promotion of Chinese Education (UKAPCE)

Activities include Chinese Culture, handcrafts, Chinese Painting, calligraphy, vocal music, Chinese instruments (hulu si / harmonica/ Melodica), Chinese dance and martial art.

Date: 28 March – 4 April 2016 (8 days)

Time: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm

Venue: Edinburgh Academy, 42 Henderson Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5BL

Enrolment Requirements: Aged 6 – 18 Chinese / Non-Chinese who are learning or have learned Chinese before.

Registration Fee: £30 per person

Lunch (optional): £4 per person/day


2016 年中國文化春令營,由英國中文教育促進會主辦。

日期: 三月二十八日至四月四日(八天)

時間: 上午九時半至下午三時

地點: Edinburgh Academy, 42 Henderson Row, Edinburgh, EH3 5BL

收生要求: 年齡 6-18 歲的華裔人士/在學或曾學習過中文的非華裔人士

登記費: 每人£30

午餐(可選擇): 每人每天 £4

活動包括: 中國文化、手工藝、中國畫、書法、聲樂、民族樂器(葫蘆絲/口琴/口風琴)、中國舞蹈和武術。
