Dear Parents/Guardians/Students,
RE: Closure of Edinburgh Chinese School
We are writing to inform you of a decision that was not made lightly but is necessary to communicate. Due to financial challenges and low enrolment, we regret to inform you that Edinburgh Chinese School will be closing its doors permanently effective on 1st July 2024.
This decision has been incredibly difficult for us, as we understand the impact it will have on our students, alumni, and their families. We are deeply saddened to have to say goodbye to a community that has become like family over the last 50 years in Edinburgh.
Since 1971, Edinburgh Chinese School has been dedicated to providing high-quality Chinese language education and Chinese cultural activities to our students and the community, and it has been a privilege to be a part of their language learning journey. However, despite our best efforts, we have encountered different challenges after pandemic that have made it increasingly difficult to sustain the operations of the school.
Once again, we extend our sincerest gratitude to you for your support of Edinburgh Chinese School. It has been an honour serving you and your children, and we will cherish the memories we have created together.
Edinburgh Chinese School
因應近年資金及收生不足等因素影響,經學校董事會慎重考慮下,我們很遺憾地宣佈,愛丁堡中文學校將於 2024年7月1日 起永久停辦。
自1971年成立以來,愛丁堡中文學校一直致力為我們的學生提供優質的中文語言教育,及為社區舉辦各類中華文化活動 。能成為一眾學生語言學習旅程及成長的一部分,是我們的榮幸。然而,儘管我們盡了最大的努力,但疫情後迎來各種的困難,令我們難以繼續維持學校的運作。
这个决定对我们来说非常艰难,因为我们明白到,这将会令我们的学生、旧生及其家人造成影响。 对于要告别过去50年来,在爱丁堡像家人般的社区,我们深感无奈和惋惜。
自1971年成立以来,爱丁堡中文学校一直致力为我们的学生提供优质的中文语言教育,及为社区举办各类中华文化活动 。 能成为一众学生语言学习旅程及成长的一部分,是我们的荣幸。 然而,尽管我们尽了最大的努力,但疫情后迎来各种的困难,令我们难以继续维持学校的运作。