About Us 學校簡介

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved with the school.

Edinburgh Chinese School
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Edinburgh Chinese School

was established in 1971 in the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh. The school is apolitical, secular and a non-profit making registered charity organisation.

The school provides Ordinary classes, SQA Chinese Examination classes (National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher) and Adult classes for Mandarin Simplified and Cantonese Traditional. Students achieve outstanding examination results each and every year. Children from aged 5 to adults are very welcome to enrol from June.

Chinese language classes are held in the school building or online during school terms. Apart from learning Chinese, parents and students may participate in interest classes such as Chinese Dance Group, Chinese Kung Fu, Chinese Calligraphy, and other Chinese festivals activities aiming at promoting Chinese culture.

Edinburgh Chinese School has an Equal Opportunity Policy and strives to promote Social Inclusion Strategy. We welcome anyone who is interested to join.


成立於 1971年,位於蘇格蘭的首都-愛丁堡。本校是一個非政治,非宗教和非牟利的註冊慈善機構。

本校提供普通话及廣東話的普通班,SQA文憑考試班 (N5, Higher, Advanced Higher)和成人班,考生們每一年在中文試中均獲優異成績。每年自六月開始,歡迎五歲起的小童至成人報讀。

中文語言班會在校舍或遥距授課。除了學習中文課程之外﹐ 本校也致力於推廣中華文化﹐舉辦興趣班如中國舞蹈﹐功夫﹐中國書法和中國節日文化活動等等,讓有興趣的家長和學生參與。
