Dear Parents/ guardians/ students,
We are pleased to announce that the children’s classes will return to in-person lessons this year.
Our new venue will be at Norton Park Conference Centre, 57 Albion Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY and the new time will be in the afternoon,
12.30pm-2pm for language classes, 2.15pm-3.15pm for interest classes.
Interest classes will start on 24th September.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused due to the above amendment.
Please note the following information:
- The new venue is next to Hibs Stadium. The car park will be closed and very busy on the dates below.
2022: 17 /9, 8 /10, 29/10
2023: 14/1, 28/1, 25/2 - Do not attend the class if you feel unwell and inform the school by text or email.
- Bring your own water bottle and /or light healthy snack if required
- Speak to the class teacher at once if feeling unwell during school time
- Keep the room clean and tidy
- Due to limited space of the venue, parents/guardians cannot stay during school time
- Please drop off and pick up your child /children on time
- Contact school on 07862803623 if you have any questions about the venue.
- Your feedback or suggestion is most welcome
Thank you very much for your support and co-operation.
Edinburgh Chinese School
本校很高興宣佈今年的兒童班將重回實體課。新的上課地址: Norton Park Conference Centre,57 Albion
Road, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY。 開放時間下午12時30分至3時15分。
語言班 12.30 -2 pm , 興趣班 2.15-3.15pm
興趣班於9月2 4日开始。如以上更改造成不便,請原諒!
- 由於新上課地點鄰近 Hibs球場,以下日期停車場關閉,非常繁忙。
- 學生如感不適,請不要回校上課並以電話訊息或電郵通知本校。
- 自備水瓶或/和輕便健康小食。
- 如上課期間感不適,立即通知老師。
- 保持教室整潔。
- 由於場地有限,家長及監護人在上課時間內需離開。
- 請準時接送 貴子女。
- 如對新地點有疑問,請致電 07862803623 與本校聯絡。
- 歡迎您的反饋及意見。
愛丁堡中文學校 謹啟
本校很高兴宣布今年的儿童班将重回实体课。新的上课地址: Norton Park Conference Centre,57 Albion Road,
Edinburgh, EH7 5QY。开放时间下午12时30分至3时15分。
语言班 12.30 -2 pm , 兴趣班 2.15-3.15pm
兴趣班于9月2 4日开始。如以上更改造成不便,请原谅!
- 由于新上课地点邻近 Hibs球场,以下日期停车场关闭,非常繁忙。
2023:14/1,28/1,25/2 - 学生如感不适,请不要回校上课并以电话讯息或电邮通知本校。
- 自备水瓶或/和轻便健康小食。
- 如上课期间感不适,立即通知老师。
- 保持教室整洁。
- 由于场地有限,家长及监护人在上课时间内需离开。
- 请准时接送 贵子女。
- 如对新地点有疑问,请致电 07862803623 与本校联络。
- 欢迎您的反馈及意见。
爱丁堡中文学校 谨启